This morning I am thinking about the importance of sustainable, consistent self-care. In a profession where I spend so much of my energy and time caring for others, I have learned that I also need to carve out time for me and my own self-care. For the last year or more I have been consistently exchanging body work with another massage therapist that graduated from the same local massage training school I did. She works on me every Friday morning and I work on her Monday mornings. This has been of great benefit for me and I look forward to another good session in a few hours. I also have been able to work with a life coach over the last year as well and see him every two weeks. Knowing that I have someone to talk to about anything I choose has helped me also maintain a certain grounded state of being. I’m grateful for both of these in my busy work life. Experiencing their work will help me be able to sustain my work life and maintain a necessary balance.